Visionary Art by Luis Tamani Amasifuen

Kundalini Activation Sessions

🐛 Have you felt listless, unmotivated for quite some time? Have you been starting projects, ideas and never finish them?

🦎 At the base of our column sleeps the energy of Shakti, the mother of the cosmos, the mother of everything that was, is and will be, the great energy of creation.

🪲With the Activation of Kundalini Energy we deepen the work of the first seven chakras. Energies are cleaned and transmuted chakra by chakra, purifying, aligning to finally circulate the energy from the Base Chakra to the Crown Chakra to generate an energetic fluid in the physical and dimensional body.

The work consists of creating the Matrix of the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy around the body and the objective will be to activate said Matrix to feed each chakra with that divine energy that will give us Strength, alignment and Creative Power.

Visionary artwork by Luis Tamani Amasifuen